Friday, May 29, 2009

We're at the point where we're *almost* ready to order our very own LAVA shirts. It's very exciting!! We'll be starting off small, but I can definitely envision a time when we will have numerous styles, colours, designs....

Do you have any ideas you'd like to share with us? Your favourite colour? A design that you came up with that you think we'd like. I actually think it would be really neat to have a variety of designs, contributed by all different artists.

Another thing we're putting a lot of thought into is where our shirts will come from. There are so many choices (bamboo, organic cotton, fair trade...) and they all have their different pros & cons. What do you think? Here's the company that we are considering. Although the t-shirts are not organic, I do get a warm fuzzy feeling from what they represent. Check them out at & let me know what you think!

Making Fair Trade "Work"

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