Thursday, August 2, 2007

The Beginning of LAVA

So a lot has happened in the last couple of days. Being unemployed is GREAT!!! hahaha I'm very close to getting the store up and running... there is still a lot of reading and planning to do, but... the business name is registered and we have a domain name! I hope that soon we'll have a website, so that we can offer many more things than just my random ramblings and the cool articles I find on the internet. I've found a place that offers printing on 100% recycled paper with all vegetable based inks (how perfect is that?! - thank you Frogfile!)

How many people are vegan in Canada? How many people have a tough time buying vegan shoes (or other products) that are good quality and don't have to be shipped from another country? How many of us are there that would like decent, up to date information on vegan cuisine and culture? In the next few days it's my mission to figure out the answers to these questions and more! Starting up this online community is so exciting! I only wish that I could right more interesting blogs about everything I'm going through. Are you a writer (assuming I have readers out there...) please contact me. I think I'm more of a reader personally. Speaking of which, I'm reading Ecoholic right now, by Adria Vasil. Very interesting and very informative. I highly recommend it.

Thanks for reading. Love, Kelly

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