Wow. I've really let it go a long time this time.... summer just seems to be passing me by! I don't know if it's because there's way more stuff to do in the summer; with festivals, fun things going on, visiting friends more often, people getting married and having babies (which means bachelorettes, weddings and showers) OR is it because it hardly feels like summer anymore since every day is grey and rainy. I already feel like I'm in September. OR maybe it's because my day job is really gearing up for an event in September, and therefore, I've got September's calendar constantly in my face.
Whatever the cause is, I don't agree with the summer being so short and/or going by so quickly. I think we should have an intervention with mother nature. :)
I've been meaning to write about lots of things... but like I said, I don't know where all my time is going. Here's a recap of some of the fun stuff that I've done this summer (maybe summing it up will make me feel better???):
white water rafting on the Ottawa river, Canada's Wonderland, Herbivores for Herbivores (vegan bake sale at
Heart On Your Sleeve to raise money for
Rabbit Rescue), Elvisfest in Collingwood, visiting my good friends at
Frosted Flowers Food Co. at the Brampton Farmer's Market, No Parachute Required - art exhibit for Michael Byers and friends, baby showers, bachelorette parties, wedding showers, a wedding in Bolton for an old highschool friend.... there's undoubtedly more fun stuff I've done in the past couple of months, but these are the highlights. Things still to do include paying my brother a visit in Stayner, fulfilling my dad's birthday gift (I must have been having a fit of hysteria when I proposed we all go golfing together! I'm trying to convince him to go without me... so far no luck), celebrating Vesuvius/Waffle day, and of course...
the Vegetarian Food Fair!
Not only have I not been writing this blog... I've also been avoiding our "monthly" newsletter (it usually comes out once every 2 months). It's not that there isn't anything to say... trust me. There is so much to talk about that it's hard to keep track of it all... Vegan culture seems to get more and more interesting by the day. I've been listening a lot to
Vegan Freak Radio lately, those guys are awesome. Yes, Bob swears a lot and sometimes they are pretty unorganized, but I find them incredibly entertaining AND I find myself usually completely enthralled in whatever they are talking about. So if you haven't checked out their podcast, you should. I've become a huge fan over the course of a couple of days.
My sweet, technology & gadget loving boyfriend recently decided to buy us iPhones. I didn't fight it too hard. They are incredible pieces of technology and I'm hoping that they will help both of us become a little more organized. I have to admit, I love it... there is so much potential too - it's like having a laptop in my pocket. My relationship with Apple products is a sort of love/disappointment relationship. I love their products, I really do, they are superior to Windows in countless ways. I just wish they would get on the green bandwagon like a lot of other corporations are doing. I want them to initiate superior recycling programs to those of their competition... I want them to donate millions of dollars to deserving charities. I want them to use less harsh chemicals and make strict laws regarding sweat shops. Steve Jobs, I hope you're reading this!