This band makes it worth listening to my boyfriend play Grand Theft Auto... among the shooting and screaming, he'll get into a car and this band will come on, and they make the anxiety from the shooting and screaming disappear and I find myself smiling and bopping to the music. They are awesome.
... and the lead singer figure skates!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Friday, November 21, 2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Bob Torres essay for Opposing Views
I wanted to share Bob's essay with you guys... Bob is such an interesting writer and I always find his views really fascinating. Bob inspires me to think critically... I like that. Unfortunately, my writing is not half as interesting... at least not at the moment. I just got into a (very minor) accident and dented my front rim. Slid on some black ice. Ahhh Canada. I might have to get a new wheel tomorrow, we'll have to see if my tire is flat in the morning.
Anyway, don't want to focus on that. I want to focus on Bob's interesting piece of writing. You can find more Bob at or
Here we go:
I was approached by the folks over at to weigh in on the debate over whether or not animals should have the same rights as people. What follows below is the quick essay I submitted to them. You can find the full debate here if their site starts working correctly..there have been transient failures all weekend.
In one episode of the 1980s absurd British sitcom “The Young Ones,” Neil, the hippie of the group, famously quipped “vegetable rights and peace!” comically upping his hippie cred into the stratosphere. Hippies, of course, are presumed to be for rights for all kinds of things: trees, rocks, water, air, and, of course, animals. Not being a hippie myself, I can’t really speak to the arguments for granting non-sentient things like trees rights (though there is a rather compelling environmental case to be made for protecting them from what economists call the “externalities” of capitalist industrial production) but it is worth thinking about why animals should be accorded at least some of the rights that we bipedal primates called “humans” enjoy.
To begin with, despite the question as posed, I don’t think animals should have the same rights as humans in all cases. Granting the dogs I live with a right to free speech or the right to vote is pointless (insert your own joke here about the election and re-election of George W. Bush). Instead, I’m advocating for something that is much more simple. In the respects that animals are like us—most notably, in their ability to feel pain, have subjective experiences, and value their own continued existence—animals should have rights similar to the rights we have. In the broadest terms, this would mean that we’d have to stop eating and wearing them, experimenting on them, and bringing them into existence for our own ends.
Anyone who lives with a cat or a dog knows that animals not only have personalities, but that they also have memories, fears, wants, and desires. The dogs and cat that I live with seek out comfort, avoid pain, and desire companionship, and it is clear to me that they suffer as acutely as I do (if not more acutely) when they are hurt, or sick, or scared. Moreover, having spent time around animals ultimately destined for slaughter, I also know that pigs and cows and chickens are also capable of these same pleasures and pains, and what appears to be a subjective awareness of their surroundings, yet for reasons that no one can really justify, we snuggle up with one set of animals called “pets,” while we eat another set of animals called “livestock.”
When it comes down to it, the case for animal rights is really a case for adopting a thorough moral and ethical stance in favor of treating like cases alike. My own outlook has been shaped by the ethical theory of Gary L. Francione, who argues that though animals and humans are clearly different, they are alike in the sense that they both suffer, and are both sentient. For this reason, Francione argues, animals should receive equal moral consideration. Most importantly, this would mean extending to animals inherent value, or really bringing them into the moral community by recognizing that certain aspects of their personhood cannot be “sold away” or sacrificed for the benefit of another. Put most simply, because animals are like us in some relevant regards, they should be treated like we would be treated in those instances.
The tired objections that animals do not deserve rights because they lack rationality, or language, or human levels of intelligence, or whatever arbitrary characteristics anthropocentric philosophers decide are important are so self-serving as to be almost comical. The obvious problem with using qualities like these to exclude animals from moral consideration is that we can almost always find humans who also lack those qualities. A great many humans lack what we’d consider to be “normal” rational faculties, yet no one seriously suggests that the mentally disabled be enslaved, or that they should be used for food or medical experiments. Similarly, you may be smarter or more eloquent or stronger than I am, yet none of those attributes gives you the right to make me your property. Why? Because in the relevant regard that both you and I share in not being the chattel of another, no arbitrary criteria—not intelligence, rationality, language, eye color, skin color, gender, etc.—can be used to violate this basic right that guarantees our inherent value. Those of us who are for animal rights (and not simply for animal welfare) wish to make “species” another irrelevant criterion for deciding who does and does not get the basic rights accorded to members of our moral community.
Surely, the road ahead towards giving animals more thorough membership in our moral community is a long one. Veganism—not consuming animal products of any kind—is certainly the first step of many in this direction, and a step that everyone can take today. In spite of what Neil the hippie might think, vegetables don’t need rights, as they feel no pain, and have no sentience. Animals, however, are another story altogether.
By the way, you can get Bob & Jenna's book here.
Anyway, don't want to focus on that. I want to focus on Bob's interesting piece of writing. You can find more Bob at or
Here we go:
I was approached by the folks over at to weigh in on the debate over whether or not animals should have the same rights as people. What follows below is the quick essay I submitted to them. You can find the full debate here if their site starts working correctly..there have been transient failures all weekend.
In one episode of the 1980s absurd British sitcom “The Young Ones,” Neil, the hippie of the group, famously quipped “vegetable rights and peace!” comically upping his hippie cred into the stratosphere. Hippies, of course, are presumed to be for rights for all kinds of things: trees, rocks, water, air, and, of course, animals. Not being a hippie myself, I can’t really speak to the arguments for granting non-sentient things like trees rights (though there is a rather compelling environmental case to be made for protecting them from what economists call the “externalities” of capitalist industrial production) but it is worth thinking about why animals should be accorded at least some of the rights that we bipedal primates called “humans” enjoy.
To begin with, despite the question as posed, I don’t think animals should have the same rights as humans in all cases. Granting the dogs I live with a right to free speech or the right to vote is pointless (insert your own joke here about the election and re-election of George W. Bush). Instead, I’m advocating for something that is much more simple. In the respects that animals are like us—most notably, in their ability to feel pain, have subjective experiences, and value their own continued existence—animals should have rights similar to the rights we have. In the broadest terms, this would mean that we’d have to stop eating and wearing them, experimenting on them, and bringing them into existence for our own ends.
Anyone who lives with a cat or a dog knows that animals not only have personalities, but that they also have memories, fears, wants, and desires. The dogs and cat that I live with seek out comfort, avoid pain, and desire companionship, and it is clear to me that they suffer as acutely as I do (if not more acutely) when they are hurt, or sick, or scared. Moreover, having spent time around animals ultimately destined for slaughter, I also know that pigs and cows and chickens are also capable of these same pleasures and pains, and what appears to be a subjective awareness of their surroundings, yet for reasons that no one can really justify, we snuggle up with one set of animals called “pets,” while we eat another set of animals called “livestock.”
When it comes down to it, the case for animal rights is really a case for adopting a thorough moral and ethical stance in favor of treating like cases alike. My own outlook has been shaped by the ethical theory of Gary L. Francione, who argues that though animals and humans are clearly different, they are alike in the sense that they both suffer, and are both sentient. For this reason, Francione argues, animals should receive equal moral consideration. Most importantly, this would mean extending to animals inherent value, or really bringing them into the moral community by recognizing that certain aspects of their personhood cannot be “sold away” or sacrificed for the benefit of another. Put most simply, because animals are like us in some relevant regards, they should be treated like we would be treated in those instances.
The tired objections that animals do not deserve rights because they lack rationality, or language, or human levels of intelligence, or whatever arbitrary characteristics anthropocentric philosophers decide are important are so self-serving as to be almost comical. The obvious problem with using qualities like these to exclude animals from moral consideration is that we can almost always find humans who also lack those qualities. A great many humans lack what we’d consider to be “normal” rational faculties, yet no one seriously suggests that the mentally disabled be enslaved, or that they should be used for food or medical experiments. Similarly, you may be smarter or more eloquent or stronger than I am, yet none of those attributes gives you the right to make me your property. Why? Because in the relevant regard that both you and I share in not being the chattel of another, no arbitrary criteria—not intelligence, rationality, language, eye color, skin color, gender, etc.—can be used to violate this basic right that guarantees our inherent value. Those of us who are for animal rights (and not simply for animal welfare) wish to make “species” another irrelevant criterion for deciding who does and does not get the basic rights accorded to members of our moral community.
Surely, the road ahead towards giving animals more thorough membership in our moral community is a long one. Veganism—not consuming animal products of any kind—is certainly the first step of many in this direction, and a step that everyone can take today. In spite of what Neil the hippie might think, vegetables don’t need rights, as they feel no pain, and have no sentience. Animals, however, are another story altogether.
By the way, you can get Bob & Jenna's book here.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Vegan Questionnaire
Hey readers,
I have a short, simple, but important (to me anyways) questionnaire. If you could take a couple of minutes and answer the following questions, I would greatly appreciate it! This will help me a lot in making LAVA the store you want it to be and hopefully opening up a physical location in the near future. We all want more stores that sell vegan products right?! right. So please either post your answers or email me your answers if you prefer not to post. Thanks so much!!
Where do you buy the following products?
- animal-friendly shoes
- animal-friendly belts
- animal-friendly accessories (purses, wallets, etc)
- cookbooks
- books about vegan nutrition/animal rights
- vegetarian paraphernalia (ie t-shirts, buttons, stickers etc)
Why do you buy these products where you buy them?
- cost
- brand (if so, which brands?)
- loyalty to a specific store (if so, which store?)
- convenience (location, ease of shopping, other?)
- other (pls explain)
How satisfied are you with the products and services received at the stores you've mentioned?
If you are not satisfied, why not?
Do you shop online for any of the above? If so, are the online stores you shop at local, in the US or elsewhere?
Generally, do you think it's easy to find quality vegan clothing & accessories (shoes, belts, bags without the use of animal products) or do you find it a challenge?
If you find it a challenge, why is that?
Do you think that there is a need for a store that carries a large variety of animal-friendly products including food, clothing, accessories, footwear and vegan books?
Any other comments regarding the supply of vegan products in Ontario?
I have a short, simple, but important (to me anyways) questionnaire. If you could take a couple of minutes and answer the following questions, I would greatly appreciate it! This will help me a lot in making LAVA the store you want it to be and hopefully opening up a physical location in the near future. We all want more stores that sell vegan products right?! right. So please either post your answers or email me your answers if you prefer not to post. Thanks so much!!
Where do you buy the following products?
- animal-friendly shoes
- animal-friendly belts
- animal-friendly accessories (purses, wallets, etc)
- cookbooks
- books about vegan nutrition/animal rights
- vegetarian paraphernalia (ie t-shirts, buttons, stickers etc)
Why do you buy these products where you buy them?
- cost
- brand (if so, which brands?)
- loyalty to a specific store (if so, which store?)
- convenience (location, ease of shopping, other?)
- other (pls explain)
How satisfied are you with the products and services received at the stores you've mentioned?
If you are not satisfied, why not?
Do you shop online for any of the above? If so, are the online stores you shop at local, in the US or elsewhere?
Generally, do you think it's easy to find quality vegan clothing & accessories (shoes, belts, bags without the use of animal products) or do you find it a challenge?
If you find it a challenge, why is that?
Do you think that there is a need for a store that carries a large variety of animal-friendly products including food, clothing, accessories, footwear and vegan books?
Any other comments regarding the supply of vegan products in Ontario?
Friday, November 14, 2008
Proposition 2
This news is a couple weeks old, but still extremely important...

(Nov. 4, 2008) – Voters in California approved an historic ballot measure to halt the inhumane confinement of animals on factory farms by an overwhelming margin. As of 11 PM PST, Prop 2 was leading 62% to 38%.
“California voters have taken a stand for decency and compassion and said that the systemic mistreatment of animals on factory farms cannot continue," said Wayne Pacelle, president and CEO of The Humane Society of the United States, the primary back of the YES! on Prop 2 campaign. "All animals deserve humane treatment, including animals raised for food.”
Proposition 2 ends the practice of confining certain animals raised for food in crates and cages so small the animals can barely move. Prop 2 requires that factory farms provide enough space for animals to stand up, turn around and extend their limbs. It applies to breeding pigs, egg laying hens and veal calves. Prop 2 goes into effect in January of 2015, giving factory farms six years to shift to different housing systems.
The YES! on Prop 2 campaign received donations from 25,000 individual contributors across the country. Thousands of volunteers worked to collect signatures, distribute campaign literature, and rallied to get out the vote for Prop 2.
Prop 2 attracted support from a broad coalition of organizations and leaders, including the California Veterinary Medical Association, United Farm Workers, State Humane Association of California, the Center for Food Safety, and the Consumer Federation of America, to name a few.
The opponents of Proposition 2 – agribusiness companies from throughout the nation – spent $9 million to try to defeat the ballot initiative.
I am of course thrilled that Californians made the right move here to make the lives of factory farmed animals a bit better. It's still not a life as far as I'm concerned, but any action to end or reduce suffering is a move in the right direction. I still want to point out that although these animals will have some more room to breath and move, they are still going to be oppressed, most likely tortured, and definitely slaughtered. Anyone who thinks that factory farmed animals will now have a great life thanks to Prop 2 is sadly mistaken. These animals are still in jail, it's just that they'll have bigger jail cells. The best thing anyone can do for these animals is to go vegetarian, or better yet, to end their suffering and the oppression of animals altogether, GO VEGAN.
I always have mixed feelings when it comes to news like this. I want to feel victorious... to feel like the score is now "animals 1, mean money making factory farm giants 0". Then I start thinking... woah... these farms have SIX YEARS to get rid of their battery cages, gestation crates and veal crates. SIX YEARS!! That is a hell of a long time! Do you think that anybody is going to put in the effort and money required to change their farms until the absolute last second?... doubtful. These are not little local farmers we're talking about. These are farms that put MILLIONS of dollars into opposing Proposition 2. (There is a little joy for the fact that they just spent all those millions for nothing!). Maybe I'm being negative, maybe I should just feel good that the law was passed... but I think 2 or 3 years would have been plenty of time to change over.
The 2nd thing that bugs me is this... Will the population now think that eating chicken, pigs and baby cows is "OK" because they have some more room to move. Will they think now that these animals are being farmed humanely?? Are they going to be blinded to the fact that these animals are still kicked, punched, thrown about, thrown into garbage dumpsters alive, blown up just for fun, slammed against the wall and more attrocities that I don't even want to know about? Is this just fueling the whole "Happy Meat" campaign? Let's not waste our time being too victorious about providing bigger jail cells... make a real change for the animals and GO VEGAN.
(Nov. 4, 2008) – Voters in California approved an historic ballot measure to halt the inhumane confinement of animals on factory farms by an overwhelming margin. As of 11 PM PST, Prop 2 was leading 62% to 38%.
“California voters have taken a stand for decency and compassion and said that the systemic mistreatment of animals on factory farms cannot continue," said Wayne Pacelle, president and CEO of The Humane Society of the United States, the primary back of the YES! on Prop 2 campaign. "All animals deserve humane treatment, including animals raised for food.”
Proposition 2 ends the practice of confining certain animals raised for food in crates and cages so small the animals can barely move. Prop 2 requires that factory farms provide enough space for animals to stand up, turn around and extend their limbs. It applies to breeding pigs, egg laying hens and veal calves. Prop 2 goes into effect in January of 2015, giving factory farms six years to shift to different housing systems.
The YES! on Prop 2 campaign received donations from 25,000 individual contributors across the country. Thousands of volunteers worked to collect signatures, distribute campaign literature, and rallied to get out the vote for Prop 2.
Prop 2 attracted support from a broad coalition of organizations and leaders, including the California Veterinary Medical Association, United Farm Workers, State Humane Association of California, the Center for Food Safety, and the Consumer Federation of America, to name a few.
The opponents of Proposition 2 – agribusiness companies from throughout the nation – spent $9 million to try to defeat the ballot initiative.
I am of course thrilled that Californians made the right move here to make the lives of factory farmed animals a bit better. It's still not a life as far as I'm concerned, but any action to end or reduce suffering is a move in the right direction. I still want to point out that although these animals will have some more room to breath and move, they are still going to be oppressed, most likely tortured, and definitely slaughtered. Anyone who thinks that factory farmed animals will now have a great life thanks to Prop 2 is sadly mistaken. These animals are still in jail, it's just that they'll have bigger jail cells. The best thing anyone can do for these animals is to go vegetarian, or better yet, to end their suffering and the oppression of animals altogether, GO VEGAN.
I always have mixed feelings when it comes to news like this. I want to feel victorious... to feel like the score is now "animals 1, mean money making factory farm giants 0". Then I start thinking... woah... these farms have SIX YEARS to get rid of their battery cages, gestation crates and veal crates. SIX YEARS!! That is a hell of a long time! Do you think that anybody is going to put in the effort and money required to change their farms until the absolute last second?... doubtful. These are not little local farmers we're talking about. These are farms that put MILLIONS of dollars into opposing Proposition 2. (There is a little joy for the fact that they just spent all those millions for nothing!). Maybe I'm being negative, maybe I should just feel good that the law was passed... but I think 2 or 3 years would have been plenty of time to change over.
The 2nd thing that bugs me is this... Will the population now think that eating chicken, pigs and baby cows is "OK" because they have some more room to move. Will they think now that these animals are being farmed humanely?? Are they going to be blinded to the fact that these animals are still kicked, punched, thrown about, thrown into garbage dumpsters alive, blown up just for fun, slammed against the wall and more attrocities that I don't even want to know about? Is this just fueling the whole "Happy Meat" campaign? Let's not waste our time being too victorious about providing bigger jail cells... make a real change for the animals and GO VEGAN.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Toronto Vegetarian Food Bank
I just heard about the first ever Toronto Vegetarian Food Bank on my favourite podcast, Animal Voices. This is great. Every day it seems, I am filled with so much hope because of the steps that are being made in the veg movement (for lack of a better term). One day, Oprah is going vegan for 3 weeks, the next there is a spotlight on veganism on CNN, and now - the only Vegetarian Food Bank in north america opens it's doors in Toronto (okay, it officially opened back in May, so I'm a little behind the times). Someone is taking care of all the people who are struggling out there but who can't stomach the thought of eating dead animals, or who cannot eat animals for spiritual/religious reasons. I am sometimes asked by omnivores... "what would you do if you were stranded and there were no plants and you had to eat animals?" (see every vegan's "Top Ten Stupid Questions Asked by Omnivores"). First of all, I can't see ever finding myself in a situation where there was nothing plant based around to eat, and my only option is to either kill a bunny, or starve to death. Can't see it. I am fortunate to live in the country where I live, and to always have enough money to pay the bills and buy food. I'm not convinced that my grocery bills would be any more or less if I ate meat. However, I must admit, that I do spend more money on products that are less harmful to the environment (organic, biodegradeable, free from toxins, chemicals and other such garbage). Wait... I'm heading off on a tangent here.
Back to the point... if I was struggling and needed help in the way of a meal every week, I am thrilled that I could go to the Toronto Vegetarian Food Bank and not have to pick the pork out of my beans or make the choice between accepting the free meal, despite the animal ingredients, or going hungry.
Hopefully, this event will inspire Vegetarian food banks to open up all across north america.
To donate or to help them out - please call 416-744-4357 or visit (site currently under construction)
also check out the article in The Toronto Star.
Back to the point... if I was struggling and needed help in the way of a meal every week, I am thrilled that I could go to the Toronto Vegetarian Food Bank and not have to pick the pork out of my beans or make the choice between accepting the free meal, despite the animal ingredients, or going hungry.
Hopefully, this event will inspire Vegetarian food banks to open up all across north america.
To donate or to help them out - please call 416-744-4357 or visit (site currently under construction)
also check out the article in The Toronto Star.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Animal Voices = Number 1
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Pleasurable Kingdom
"When Joe Hutto, a turkey hunter, lived for a year among a flock of wild turkeys in Florida, he was moved to describe them as his superiors - more alert, sensitive and aware, and vastly more conscious than himself. Hutto concluded that the birds are in love with being alive."
Speaking of US Thanksgiving, check out the Celebration for the Turkeys put on by Farm Sanctuary. Here's the link:
Friday, October 31, 2008
Question of the Day
What is the difference between "crumble", "crisp" & "cobbler"?
Whoever answer this question correctly gets a free SSOV prize!

or head to for more SSOV treats!
Whoever answer this question correctly gets a free SSOV prize!

or head to for more SSOV treats!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
sounds pretty awesome to me. imagine if every company in north america adopted Onebottle's corporate challenge. There would be thousands or hundreds of thousands of bottles NOT going to the landfills. It's such a small step for a person to make, but it makes a huge difference.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Monday, September 1, 2008
Where we live, people piss in the elevators....
Honestly, I don't think people shit in the elevators, but it might as well be people. I'm sure it's people's pets who never get let out, so on the odd occasion that they get to go outside, they get so excited or they can't hold it anymore, so they piss and shit in the elevator. We've encountered it several times. The fact that the owner's don't clean it up boggles my mind. How could you walk away from that and feel good about yourself?? and the poor maintenance crew... anyways, so I guess it all became too much for this one "disgusted resident".
Saturday, August 30, 2008
I chopped off all my hair!

Thursday, August 28, 2008
The Vegan Advantage

The Vegan Advantage
People with Type 2 diabetes should consider going vegan. In a study recently published by the American Diabetes Association (ADA), Dr. David Jenkins, a professor in the Faculty of Medicine, and colleagues report that a low-fat vegan diet improves glycemic control – even more effectively than the ADA diet.
During the study, those following the vegan diet said no to meat, poultry, fish, dairy and eggs, but could eat as many vegetables, grains, legumes and temperate-climate fruit (such as apples, as opposed to, say, papayas) as they wanted. In contrast, those following the ADA diet practised portion control, counting every carb and calorie. At the end of the study, the vegans had lost an average of 14 pounds; the meat-eaters only 6.8 pounds.Among the vegans, LDL (the “lousy”) cholesterol levels averaged a drop of 21 per cent, compared to 10 per cent in the other group. And improvements in blood-sugar management were three times greater in those who had gone vegan.
Jenkins has already shown that soy, almonds, barley and oats can lower LDL levels. But the stunning results of this study must be personally satisfying for Jenkins who turned vegetarian at age 13, shortly
after his mother tried to serve him his pet chicken. – Susan Pedwell
Thursday, August 14, 2008

I just read this really interesting article on the addictive properties of cheese and meat on "Good Medicine". It's from the book "Breaking the Food Seduction" by Neil Barnard M.D. I'm thinking I'll probably go out and get this book pretty soon. Has anyone else reading this read it? Any comments?
"Analyzing samples of cow’s milk, they found traces of a chemical that looked very much like morphine. They put it to one chemical test after another. And, finally, they arrived at the conclusion that, in fact, it is morphine. There is not a lot of it, and not every sample had detectable levels. But there is indeed some morphine in both cow’s milk and human milk."
" turns out that cows actually produce it within their bodies, just as poppies do. Traces of morphine, along with codeine and other opiates, are apparently produced in cows’ livers and can end up in their milk."
Give the article a read yourself here:
Friday, August 8, 2008
Summer please stay!
Wow. I've really let it go a long time this time.... summer just seems to be passing me by! I don't know if it's because there's way more stuff to do in the summer; with festivals, fun things going on, visiting friends more often, people getting married and having babies (which means bachelorettes, weddings and showers) OR is it because it hardly feels like summer anymore since every day is grey and rainy. I already feel like I'm in September. OR maybe it's because my day job is really gearing up for an event in September, and therefore, I've got September's calendar constantly in my face.
Whatever the cause is, I don't agree with the summer being so short and/or going by so quickly. I think we should have an intervention with mother nature. :)
I've been meaning to write about lots of things... but like I said, I don't know where all my time is going. Here's a recap of some of the fun stuff that I've done this summer (maybe summing it up will make me feel better???):
white water rafting on the Ottawa river, Canada's Wonderland, Herbivores for Herbivores (vegan bake sale at Heart On Your Sleeve to raise money for Rabbit Rescue), Elvisfest in Collingwood, visiting my good friends at Frosted Flowers Food Co. at the Brampton Farmer's Market, No Parachute Required - art exhibit for Michael Byers and friends, baby showers, bachelorette parties, wedding showers, a wedding in Bolton for an old highschool friend.... there's undoubtedly more fun stuff I've done in the past couple of months, but these are the highlights. Things still to do include paying my brother a visit in Stayner, fulfilling my dad's birthday gift (I must have been having a fit of hysteria when I proposed we all go golfing together! I'm trying to convince him to go without me... so far no luck), celebrating Vesuvius/Waffle day, and of course... the Vegetarian Food Fair!
Not only have I not been writing this blog... I've also been avoiding our "monthly" newsletter (it usually comes out once every 2 months). It's not that there isn't anything to say... trust me. There is so much to talk about that it's hard to keep track of it all... Vegan culture seems to get more and more interesting by the day. I've been listening a lot to Vegan Freak Radio lately, those guys are awesome. Yes, Bob swears a lot and sometimes they are pretty unorganized, but I find them incredibly entertaining AND I find myself usually completely enthralled in whatever they are talking about. So if you haven't checked out their podcast, you should. I've become a huge fan over the course of a couple of days.
My sweet, technology & gadget loving boyfriend recently decided to buy us iPhones. I didn't fight it too hard. They are incredible pieces of technology and I'm hoping that they will help both of us become a little more organized. I have to admit, I love it... there is so much potential too - it's like having a laptop in my pocket. My relationship with Apple products is a sort of love/disappointment relationship. I love their products, I really do, they are superior to Windows in countless ways. I just wish they would get on the green bandwagon like a lot of other corporations are doing. I want them to initiate superior recycling programs to those of their competition... I want them to donate millions of dollars to deserving charities. I want them to use less harsh chemicals and make strict laws regarding sweat shops. Steve Jobs, I hope you're reading this!
Whatever the cause is, I don't agree with the summer being so short and/or going by so quickly. I think we should have an intervention with mother nature. :)
I've been meaning to write about lots of things... but like I said, I don't know where all my time is going. Here's a recap of some of the fun stuff that I've done this summer (maybe summing it up will make me feel better???):
white water rafting on the Ottawa river, Canada's Wonderland, Herbivores for Herbivores (vegan bake sale at Heart On Your Sleeve to raise money for Rabbit Rescue), Elvisfest in Collingwood, visiting my good friends at Frosted Flowers Food Co. at the Brampton Farmer's Market, No Parachute Required - art exhibit for Michael Byers and friends, baby showers, bachelorette parties, wedding showers, a wedding in Bolton for an old highschool friend.... there's undoubtedly more fun stuff I've done in the past couple of months, but these are the highlights. Things still to do include paying my brother a visit in Stayner, fulfilling my dad's birthday gift (I must have been having a fit of hysteria when I proposed we all go golfing together! I'm trying to convince him to go without me... so far no luck), celebrating Vesuvius/Waffle day, and of course... the Vegetarian Food Fair!
Not only have I not been writing this blog... I've also been avoiding our "monthly" newsletter (it usually comes out once every 2 months). It's not that there isn't anything to say... trust me. There is so much to talk about that it's hard to keep track of it all... Vegan culture seems to get more and more interesting by the day. I've been listening a lot to Vegan Freak Radio lately, those guys are awesome. Yes, Bob swears a lot and sometimes they are pretty unorganized, but I find them incredibly entertaining AND I find myself usually completely enthralled in whatever they are talking about. So if you haven't checked out their podcast, you should. I've become a huge fan over the course of a couple of days.
My sweet, technology & gadget loving boyfriend recently decided to buy us iPhones. I didn't fight it too hard. They are incredible pieces of technology and I'm hoping that they will help both of us become a little more organized. I have to admit, I love it... there is so much potential too - it's like having a laptop in my pocket. My relationship with Apple products is a sort of love/disappointment relationship. I love their products, I really do, they are superior to Windows in countless ways. I just wish they would get on the green bandwagon like a lot of other corporations are doing. I want them to initiate superior recycling programs to those of their competition... I want them to donate millions of dollars to deserving charities. I want them to use less harsh chemicals and make strict laws regarding sweat shops. Steve Jobs, I hope you're reading this!
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Trek through the amazon...
I was just surfing the Vegetarian Shoes website when I came across a great story. I thought I'd share it with you guys... read it here.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Awesome Quote
"There's no reason to drink cow's milk at any time in your life. It was designed for calves, it was not designed for humans, and we should all stop drinking it today, this afternoon."
Dr. Frank A. Ski, former director of pediatrics, John Hopkins University
Dr. Frank A. Ski, former director of pediatrics, John Hopkins University
It doesn't get much more inspiring than this. These people in India have teamed up together to make an incredible difference. I just LOVE IT when people make something beautiful out of what most people consider "garbage". When I watch this video, I feel like there's absolutely no such thing as garbage. EVERYTHING can be reused if we know how to reuse it.
To-Go Ware has teamed up with CONSERVE by making beautiful bamboo cutlery, and keeping it in CONSERVE utensil holders. I was so inspired by the video about CONSERVE that I ordered a case for LAVA! There are 5 different colours and all of them are gorgeous!
check them out at
To-Go Ware has teamed up with CONSERVE by making beautiful bamboo cutlery, and keeping it in CONSERVE utensil holders. I was so inspired by the video about CONSERVE that I ordered a case for LAVA! There are 5 different colours and all of them are gorgeous!
check them out at
Sunday, June 29, 2008
It's been awhile...
I know. But there's a lot going on. Worked the longest day at the day job (18 hours) and that knocked me out for the following day. These events take a lot out of me. The home life becomes non-existent and there's no time for lava.
HOWEVER! we're back on track and the event is over, so it's back to normal hours.... i've added To-Go Ware CONSERVE Utensils to the catalog, and they are just the most awesome portable cutlery out there.
Oh and I became a member of vegan world ( and it's an awesome site so I hope you guys will become my vegan world friends.
Off to Guelph to find a good bike, anyone have any suggestions on what I should be looking for???
x kelly
HOWEVER! we're back on track and the event is over, so it's back to normal hours.... i've added To-Go Ware CONSERVE Utensils to the catalog, and they are just the most awesome portable cutlery out there.
Oh and I became a member of vegan world ( and it's an awesome site so I hope you guys will become my vegan world friends.
Off to Guelph to find a good bike, anyone have any suggestions on what I should be looking for???
x kelly
Friday, June 13, 2008
oprah's vegan cleanse
"Eating more consciously now feels like a way of being. I actually think about how my food got to my plate. That was the whole point, right?
Doesn't mean I'm committed to veganism…but I am thinking about what I eat and why. And from that I can never turn back."
— Oprah
Ok, was I the only one hoping that Oprah would be so satisfied with a vegan diet that she would never go back?? I mean, at least vegetarian then if not vegan! Ahh well, I'm still proud of Oprah. 3 weeks being a vegan is 3 weeks that some animals were spared... and I hope that she'll share her experience on the show a bit more so others can open their eyes to a life without animal consumption.
Doesn't mean I'm committed to veganism…but I am thinking about what I eat and why. And from that I can never turn back."
— Oprah
Ok, was I the only one hoping that Oprah would be so satisfied with a vegan diet that she would never go back?? I mean, at least vegetarian then if not vegan! Ahh well, I'm still proud of Oprah. 3 weeks being a vegan is 3 weeks that some animals were spared... and I hope that she'll share her experience on the show a bit more so others can open their eyes to a life without animal consumption.
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Leonard Cohen
The vibe was incredibly positive and energetic. It's been a long time since I've felt that much energy at a concert. Every person in the audience, was there to stand in awe of a great poet, singer, songwriter, human being... From the minute the man walked onto the stage until his final disappearance, the crowd went wild. Thunderous applause filled the room. It was a moving experience. It was a large room, and a large crowd, but nonetheless it felt like an intimate gig. Leonard humbly took off his hat to thank each and every person for not only attending that night, but for their years of loving and supporting his art.
Thank you thank you for allowing me to be a part of a wonderful evening.

Saturday, May 24, 2008
Is Oprah going vegan??!
"Week One: Monday
Well, I feel like I got baptized in Vegan Land today. Kathy Freston sent her chef, Tal Ronnen, to help me and three friends at Harpo who are doing the 21-day cleanse.
Wow, wow, wow! I never imagined meatless meals could be so satisfying. I had been focused on what I had to give up—sugar, gluten, alcohol, meat, chicken, fish, eggs, cheese. "What's left?" I thought. Apparently a lot. I can honestly say every meal was a surprise and a delight, beginning with breakfast—strawberry rhubarb wheat-free crepes. — Oprah"
Read more:
Well, I feel like I got baptized in Vegan Land today. Kathy Freston sent her chef, Tal Ronnen, to help me and three friends at Harpo who are doing the 21-day cleanse.
Wow, wow, wow! I never imagined meatless meals could be so satisfying. I had been focused on what I had to give up—sugar, gluten, alcohol, meat, chicken, fish, eggs, cheese. "What's left?" I thought. Apparently a lot. I can honestly say every meal was a surprise and a delight, beginning with breakfast—strawberry rhubarb wheat-free crepes. — Oprah"
Read more:
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
my lovely new bag
i love love love it. thank you beautiful beth for making me this wonderful bag. it's much more than just a place to put all my crap (although today, i fit a loaf of bread, hummus in tupperware, a notebook, my copy of lifelines ( newsletter), two packs of oatmeal cookies, my phone, my wallet, pens, my work id, my lipgloss and various other random items and there was still room leftover...). It's almost like an extension of my body. It fits so snuggly under my arm, that I almost miss it when it's not there. ahh... my gorgeous new bag. does anyone else get this excited by bags (other than me and beth). I think everyone would if they had the perfect bag...
want your own? Check out
Sunday, May 4, 2008
work life balance
Friday, April 25, 2008
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Excuses for not going Veg...
Have you ever heard a really dumb excuse from someone about why they "would go veg is only...(fill in the blank)?"
I've heard some pretty bad ones in all my years as a veg. Don't get me wrong, I have respect for the reasons why people decide not to go veg, but I also understand that there are no excuses if you're making a choice that you're very passionate about. It's comparable to quitting smoking. I just think that anyone who says they are trying to quit "but"___(blank)_____ is preventing them from quitting is just making it perfectly clear that they are not ready to quit yet. There are no real excuses. You're either ready to quit (which means it's something that you want) or you're not ready (you don't want to yet). And it's the same with being veg. Don't make yourself feel better by giving yourself a reason for not going through with it. Instead, be happy with who you are, and know that if being veg is important to you, you will find a way to make it work out in your life no matter what the excuse.
Ok... that was a small tangent. I just wanted to ask everyone to comment their favorite excuse for not going veg and/or their come-back to that excuse. The answers will make the next LAVAlicious! Thanks!!
I've heard some pretty bad ones in all my years as a veg. Don't get me wrong, I have respect for the reasons why people decide not to go veg, but I also understand that there are no excuses if you're making a choice that you're very passionate about. It's comparable to quitting smoking. I just think that anyone who says they are trying to quit "but"___(blank)_____ is preventing them from quitting is just making it perfectly clear that they are not ready to quit yet. There are no real excuses. You're either ready to quit (which means it's something that you want) or you're not ready (you don't want to yet). And it's the same with being veg. Don't make yourself feel better by giving yourself a reason for not going through with it. Instead, be happy with who you are, and know that if being veg is important to you, you will find a way to make it work out in your life no matter what the excuse.
Ok... that was a small tangent. I just wanted to ask everyone to comment their favorite excuse for not going veg and/or their come-back to that excuse. The answers will make the next LAVAlicious! Thanks!!
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
The Food Circle
Monday, April 14, 2008
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Taurine and Red Bull
So I disgusted all my friends at the dinner table yesterday, telling them about how beatles are crushed to make red food dye (carmine, cochineal, carminic acid) and how red bull contains taurine - which is made from bull juice. But I doubted myself, more on what kind of bull juice was used, than that red bull actually uses bull juice. I found this on a forum somewhere:
This is from the red bull website:
"Q:Is taurine made from bulls' testicles? Is taurine a derivative of bulls' testicles or semen?
A: Taurine is a purely synthetic substance produced by pharmaceutical companies and is not derived from animals or animal materials. "
( )
So I guess that proves me wrong.... but I didn't research it further because I can't stand drinks like red bull anyways. If you want some extra energy, go eat a banana or some dates. You don't need chemicals to keep you awake.
This is from the red bull website:
"Q:Is taurine made from bulls' testicles? Is taurine a derivative of bulls' testicles or semen?
A: Taurine is a purely synthetic substance produced by pharmaceutical companies and is not derived from animals or animal materials. "
( )
So I guess that proves me wrong.... but I didn't research it further because I can't stand drinks like red bull anyways. If you want some extra energy, go eat a banana or some dates. You don't need chemicals to keep you awake.
Monday, March 3, 2008
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